The Natural Theatre Company’s management, performers and associates are appalled by Racist injustice, inequality, distress and hate. Black Lives Matter.
We oppose the disregard of human rights and the spectres of racism, prejudice and oppression. We also raise our voice to support all people who suffer similar injustices on a daily basis – LGBTQ+, disabled, deaf and disenfranchised communities.
We want to be open and encouraging of people who have never had access to the performing arts. Through employment opportunities, voluntary work or participation projects we want to be truly inclusive.
We are aware that such inclusivity takes tolerance, understanding and patience to truly work. We understand there needs to be an open dialogue, education and faith to move forward in a way that is robust and realistic.
We are aware that the UK (and particularly Bath and Bristol) is built on a colonial legacy that is rarely challenged or openly discussed. Whether conscious or unconscious, this racism needs to be immediately addressed. Therefore, we are in an ongoing process of educating ourselves to work out how to dismantle our part of the racist and inequitable structures we inevitably operate within.
We are aware that inequality presents itself in subtle forms. We understand that the make-up of our employed and freelance staff needs to change. We recognize that our work needs to be renewed. We recognize our need to learn, listen, remember and act. We recognize that we need to identify the systemic racism that exists in our culture and change our actions, language and strategies.
We continue to challenge ourselves to redress this balance, to remove prejudice based on skin tone, religious beliefs, gender, disability or social class. Everyone deserves the same chances for living and growing that our world can offer.
We have used the COVID shutdown to re-evaluate in a meaningful way. We are continually working to improve our culture, so that it will be one of equality and inclusivity for all. This will not be achieved through simple statements such as this one, but through mentoring, education, new policies, new projects and long term realistic planning.